The Mnemosyne website allows you to share card collections that you have prepared with the wider Mnemosyne
Preparing to Share Your Card Collection
To share your card collection on the website, please use the following approach.
- Organize your card collection using tags. Tags allow you to assign categories to your cards. You usually only want to export cards with certain tags, so make sure to add relevant tags when adding cards.
- Ensure that the cards to export are the only active cards in your database. Mnemosyne 2 exports all active cards. Often, you will want to export a sub-set of your cards, not your entire database. To deactivate cards, select Cards -> Browse Cards from the menu. In the window that appears, uncheck "All tags" under "having any of these tags." Then, check the checkboxes for the tags of the cards that you wish to export.
- Export your cards. Select File -> Export from the menu. As the file format, 2.x *cards files should be selected by default. For the file to export to, choose Browse and assign a file name. Then click OK.
- Enter metadata. In the window that appears, enter the name of your card set (you will also use this name on the website) as well as your name, e-mail address, and the tags that the cards should have when imported into another user's card database. You may also add notes and revision information.
- Register for or log in to the Mnemosyne website.
- Select Add a Card Set from the menu.
- Complete the form with the requested information.
Thank you in advance for contributing back to the Mnemosyne Project!
Importing Card Collections
- Download a card collection from the website.
- Open Mnemosyne.
- Select File -> Import from the menu.
- As the File format, make sure that Mnemosyne 2.x *.cards files is selected.
- Select the card collection you downloaded as the File to import from.
- Usually, you do not need to enter anything into Add additional tag(s) to cards.
Why do I have to license my content under a Creative Commons license?
In order to ensure that the Mnemosyne Project has the legal right to host all uploaded card collections, as well as to make it clear which rights that users enjoy with respect to such collections, all card collections must be licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike license.
At its simplest, the Mnemosyne project and card collection users can:
- Copy and share the card collection freely.
- Edit the card collection and share their edits.
In exchange, the Mnemosyne Project and users agree to:
- Credit the original author(s).
- Not use the work commercially.
- Share any changes made to the card collection under the same license as the original card collection.
This Creative Commons license is very similar to the GPL, which is the software license under which the Mnemosyne software itself is made available.
Please note that this is a non-exclusive license; you are free to license your card collection under different terms to other individuals/organizations or other websites. However, to add your collection to the Mnemosyne website, you must agree to license your collection to the Mnemosyne Project and its users under the terms of the Creative Commons license.
Can I add cards to the website that are based on the vocabulary list in a textbook?
Yes, so long as you do not infringe on the copyright of the textbook author. In general, there should be no problem with adding cards that use the vocabulary lists and ideas from textbooks. However, if you are copying large sections of a textbook verbatim, this is probably a violation of the author's copyright. Please do not add such card collections to the Mnemosyne website.
My Helpful Content
In order to show which pieces of contributed content (card collections, plugins, and scripts) are the most popular, registered users can indicate which content they found helpful by clicking the "helpful" link for a given piece of content.
By marking the content that you use as helpful, you can assist the Mnemosyne community in finding the most useful content.
The content you mark as helpful will be saved in the My Helpful Content list, which will be displayed in the sidebar when you log in.