Gil's EST Cards for Spanish Speakers



Gilberto Berríos, based on the work of St. Louis et al.


This card collection offers three vocabulary lists so they can be used with
Mnemosyne, the Spaced Repetition Software (SRS). I hope they will be
useful not just to my students but also to other Spanish-speaking students
learning English in scientific and technological contexts.

My contribution: I took the lists, went through them to correct typos and
what I considered to be a couple of incorrect or misleading translations
to Spanish. Then in some cases I added further meanings that I consider
useful for Spanish speakers who read texts in EST, especially general
meanings that I have seen used metaphorically in EST for the sake of clarity.


This collection is part of the English for Science and Technology (EST) courses
we teach at Universidad Simón Bolívar, Caracas, Venezuela. It appears in three
lists in the appendix of colleagues Rubena St. Louis & Silvia Pereira's (2007)
coursebook. St. Louis adapted them from Cobas (2003) by using Cobb's (n/d)
Web Vocabulary Profiler.

Mnemosyne Compatibility: 

  • 2.1+

Card Set File: