European capital cities
vocab from the 7th edition book
This was an accident but don't know how to delete.
A set of map flash cards for all 47 British ceremonial counties other than the City of London as of 2010. Uses the Map plugin.
a mixture of different sources
Przekonwertowana talia znaleziona w zasobach ankiweb
This deck contains 199 (aka almost all) countries of the world as country-name/country-outline-on-a-map pairs. The front of the card shows country name and an empty map of a larger geographic region, the back of the card shows the country marked in red, but without the country name. So the cards can be used front-to-back ("Where is this country?") and back-to-front ("Name that country!").
The nations of the world and their capitals, as reported by Wikipedia on July 6th, 2013.