La description des gens
Les vêtements et la mode
Les cheveux et le maquillage
Le corps humain
Comment vous sentez-vous ?
La santé
Les mouvements et les gestes
Le travail et les métiers
Le caractère et le comportement
Les émotions
Les sens
Les goûts et les préférences
La vie quotidienne
Le tabac
La nourriture
Les travaux ménagers
Les achats
Le sport
Les loisirs
Les médias
Sortir le soir
Ma chambre
La maison
La ville
Vocabulaire moyenâgeux français
French vocabulary for body parts.
Flash card deck for learning ailments in french.
Flash card deck for learning french vocabulary of clothing.
It covers:
- general clothing
- women's clothing
- men's clothing
- jewelry
- accessories
Flash cards for learning the french terms for the countries of the world.
Format of the cards:
Question: The english name of a country
Answer: The french name plus the correct article
Flash card deck for learning the french terms of everything around the calendar.
It contains three categories:
- days of the week
- months of the year
- seasons
Format of the questions:
Question: english term
Answer: french term
Each question consists of a French word and a 4x4 table of vowels in the IPA notation. The answer contains the same table but with the corresponding vowel highlighted.
1670 cards
This deck is primarily composed of a selection of the (generally) more advanced words found in Marcella Ottolenghi Buxbaum's 1001 Most Useful French Words, and 501 French Verbs from Barron's Foreign Language Guides series. It is by no means comprehensive or without its faults. Nevertheless, I hope it will be of use!