

A deck to learn the cards from hanafuda, the Japanese flower cards. This deck will teach you to recognize the "suits" and special cards, and will help you memorize what can be found where.
Note that this deck doesn't teach you combinations of cards for games like the popular "koi-koi", which are played with hanafuda. It only teaches you the cards themselves. I plan to add a deck for koi-koi combinations later.

Compilation of knowledge project


Učenje o napakah pri izdelavi grafov

I am not literate in Braille. This card set only comprises information compiled from Wikipedia, so please forgive any errors, omissions, or other shortcomings. I make no guarantees, implicit or explicit, that this information is correct, and accept no responsibility for any negative outcomes which may result from the use of this set of cards.

Used to prepare for Teaching upper level math.

This is a flash card set of all 22 characters of the Hebrew alphabet.

Sofit (final) characters are not in separate cards but are included.

No alternative spellings are given for the letters, as some letters have a large number of spellings which pronounce the same way.

Teaches the Russian Cyrillic alphabet along with Library of Congress-style transliterations. The use of a good unicode font (such as Arial Unicode MS) is suggested.

The cards come in two forms:


Q: (Capital Cyrillic letter)

A: (Lowercase Cyrillic letter)
(Capital LC transliteration)


Q:(Lowercase Cyrillic letter)

A: (Capital Cyrillic letter)
(Lowercase LC transliteration)

This deck is of the Arabic Abjad (like alphabets in most languages). The deck consists of cards with the arabic letters in the following order: end, middle, beginning, isolated; and the pronunciation and transliteration of those letters in the following order: name, DIN transliteration, IPA. The vice versa cards are also included.


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