
Conjugations of about 30 italian verbs in the following simple tenses:

Indicativo: presente, futuro, imperfetto, passato remoto.
Congiuntivo: presente, imperfetto.
Condizionale: presente.

These flashcards come from the lessons in the Practical Chinese Reader. They include simplified and traditional characters. I'm very interested in your input, including errors/typos you may find. Textbooks 1-3 are here.

This deck contains the name and description for each element of the Processing API as of version 1.09. It includes name - description and description - name cards for each element for a total of 664 cards.

Inspired by "Linux Commands" deck(by krlhc8) and after reading "The Linux® Command Line" book i decide to experiment with mnemosyne. After you have a grasp about linux shell(I recommend William E. Shotts, Jr's text to all Linux shell newbies as a first lecture.) can use the deck for test your skills, or (in the actual deck's release) even better if you haven't you can use it for learn. I did the deck before ignoring about http://www.supermemo.com/articles/20rules.htm.

These maps only consider Metropolitan France and Corsica, i.e. they do not include Guyane, Guadeloupe, Martinique, or Réunion.

Z331 Action Potential Assignment


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